Thursday, November 4, 2010


Pumpkin Carving

Jacob was unsure about the feel of the pumpkin guts...

...until Daddy showed him how to throw them on the table (...and the floor...and the walls...)

Luke refused to touch the inside of the pumpkin altogether. Notice how he barely has his arm around it.

Luke's preschool costume parade

Tent or Treat

Our ward had a "tent or treat" instead of a "trunk or treat" this year so we took the boys to that instead of doing trick or treating. I couldn't get any really good pics of the boys. It was getting dark and they kept pulling off various parts of their costumes...hats, buttons, mustaches.

Luke had initially wanted to be Luigi so I built a family theme around him, but after changing his mind a million times, he settled on Mario. Since I already had Jacob's costume, we just had a "big" Mario and a "little" Mario.

Chris and I wore these:

I was the "big" and Chris was the "1 up". Not as creative as in the past, but it works.

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