Luke and I had some awesome fun-time today. We painted, went to the park, and played in the sprinklers. One of my all-time favorite things to do with Luke right now is paint. We use Crayola Washable Kid's Paint and have come up with some great stuff that even he can do. I find that most preschool stuff is still a little too advanced for Luke at this stage, but painting gives him a great way to have fun, be creative, get messy, and learn.
For instance, today we took some paper towel rolls that I had been saving for just such an occasion. I put various paint colors on washable plates and Luke dipped the ends of the rolls in paint (one end for each color) and made prints. It emphasized colors, the circle shape, and allowed him to invent new ways to be creative-- he started out doing individual circles spaced a little apart, then found it looked different when he put several circle prints on top of each other. When he got tired of it, but I didn't want to waste any paint, we made it into something new by dipping forks and spoons into the paint and seeing how the prints turned out on paper.
Other things we've done are our fingers, feet, feathers, apples (if you cut them in half sideways, you get a really cool star shape in the center), rocks, cotton swabs, etc. It really is a fantastic way to keep otherwise mischievous toddlers, very entertained.
Very cool idea. I'll have to store that one away for when Paige is old enough. She still likes to eat crayons so I can't imagine what it would be like with paint. question... what in the heck am I supposed to do with Hailey during this? (or just about every other craft I want to try with Carson.)What a cute idea definitely win the Super Mom award for yesterday!
Put her in her high chair and let her "paint" with pudding. That way she gets to participate and if she eats it, it isn't a big deal. Just a suggestion.
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