Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Because I'm Always Late

Okay, so I know it has been two whole months, plus some. I’m just like that. I keep thinking of things to blog about, but wouldn’t ya know…it’s hard to blog when you have other things to do and besides, I’m pregnant (and that excuse covers everything).

So, just a quick update, and then hopefully some meaningful---whelp---okay, I won’t lie to you---just some straight shot dull blogging after this.


September--nothing happened.

October--a few things happened.

November--some more stuff happened.


I'll do a quick recap.

I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and very fat. Behold. The. Glory. These are only because Erin Faun insisted on humiliation. I'm going to go poke my eyes out now:

I think tomorrow will be the official day in the timeline of pregnancy that I had Luke…so pray we don’t have a turkey-sized baby for Turkey Day. Pictures are coming of the nursery and Luke’s room—eventually…I can’t promise anything soon because, well, read the title. Both are painted, neither are quite finished. We are painting our living room/entry way this to come probably next year. Wow. We are SO. NOT. DULL. And here are a few pictures to catch you up.

Luke carving his pumpkin and then smelling it. He didn't like touching the guts, but he was willing to stick his face in it?? Go figure.

He liked putting the pieces back in like a puzzle. He was so excited for the finished product...

...and the moldy finished product a few days later.

Costumes: If you can't figure them out then I'm ashamed.

Me stuffing my face at the ward Halloween party. These were half of Costco-sized pumpkin pies. Enormous. I was pretty proud of myself for not upchucking the pie and the baby---Gabe on my left, yeah, total pukage that night. Sorry Gabe...he ate all of his and took one for the team by eating a small slice of mine too.

Still---I didn't puke---I can totally eat like a champ.

Okay, enough with the family-bloggy-ness. This blog is supposed to be about me and my thoughts and, oh yeah, me some thank your lucky stars you got updates AND pictures---they were mostly still about me, but, hey, what did I just tell you?

I'm sure tomorrow will be fun...we'll talk about my first Thanksgiving disaster! Woohoo!


erinfaun said...

I love you Erin for posting. And still when you are not posting too...this is just a bonus. :) PS. You are the cutest pregnant. I am sure we all envy you.

Lisa said...

I love your Halloween costumes!

And you look AMAZING! Sure, I know that all pregnant women FEEL fat, but you've cheated and gotten by with a perfectly cute baby bump.

It was fun reading about you again!

Amanda Edwards said...

Hey I am so glad to see another blog. I have to admit that in my non-exciting life I check to see if you have written just about everyday because let's face it your blog is hilarious and just brightens my day. Thanks for the update. P.S. Cute baby bump but I can't wait for the actual baby. Love ya!